terça-feira, 14 de agosto de 2012


In a Museum

Here's the mould of a musical bird long passed from light,
Which over the earth before man came was winging;
There's a contralto voice I heard last night,
That lodges with me still in its sweet singing.

Such a dream is Time that the coo of this ancient bird
Has perished not, but is blent, or will be blending
Mid visionless wilds of space with the voice that I heard,
In the full-fuged song of the universe unending.

Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)

A organização daquele setor do Städel Museum, ao jeito dos antigos gabinetes de pintura ou das galerias privadas dos aristocratas europeus, não deixa de ter uma certa graça. Apesar dos tons fortes das paredes. A imagem de cima reproduz um quadro de Willem van Haecht (1593-1637). Intitula-se A galeria de Cornelis van der Geest e foi pintado em 1628.

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